background Startseite

Welcome to one
of the world's leading
providers of
precision tools for
manufacturing and
checking threads

background Onlinekatalog

Online catalogue


On more than 300 pages you
will learn everything worth
knowing about our company
and the JBO brand, our range
of services, technology and
our product range


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If you want to connect speed with flexibility and precision,
you need experience and ideas – and
a company of the appropriate size


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New products


High Performance Thread Milling Cutters:
- universally applicable
- low vibration
- high surface quality
- short cycle time
- long tool life




175 years of Johs. Boss GmbH & Co. KG - A reason to celebrate!

This year we are celebrating a special anniversary - 175 years of Johs. Boss. Since our company was founded in 1849, quality, innovation and customer satisfaction have been at the centre of our work. This anniversary is not only a milestone in our company history, but also a symbol of the trust placed in us by our customers and partners.


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We support our customers
not only with high quality products,
but also with a wide variety
of customized services


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Warehouse information system


We are the market leader with our comprehensive stock, which offers you the 22,000 most common thread dimensions and tolerances!


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Career at JBO


At JBO you can expect a long-term strategic
alignment and attractive jobs


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