News & Fairs


JBO total price list valid of 1st November 2022


JBO total price list
valid of 1st November 2022

The consequences of massive price increases on the raw material markets and the significant rise in personnel costs, as well as the costs of auxiliary and operating materials, make a further adjustment of our sales prices unavoidable:

For orders received as of 2022-11-01, a price adjustment applies for the following product groups:

Thread milling cutters +6%
Thread cutting dies +6%
Thread rolling dies +8%
Thread gauges +5%
Calibration Certificates +5%



As we cannot completely compensate for the extreme cost increases on the procurement side through rationalisation measures, we have no room for manoeuvre in negotiations and in this special situation we have to demand the price increase without exception in order to be able to continue to supply you reliably with our high-quality products.


You can find our new price list 2022-1 which will be valid from 2022-11-01 under the following link:


We thank you for your understanding and look forward to continuing our good and cooperative collaboration with you.


Best regards

Thomas Rapp

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