Fairs, News & Press
CIMT Beijing, China
21.-26. April 2025
Booth A3/943
We are pleased to welcome you
to our booth.
Control Stuttgart
06. - 09. May 2025
Hall 3
Booth 3212
We are pleased to welcome you
to our booth.
EMO Hannover
22.-26. September 2025
We are pleased to welcome you
to our booth.

You are cordially invited to
Control 2025, May 06 - 09, 2025, Hall 3, Stand 3212
We cordially invite you to visit us at this year's Control in Stuttgart. Take the opportunity to find out about our products, innovations and services in person.

Burr formation on the thread! - What can we do about it?
Many people are familiar with the annoying issue of burr formation on the thread inlet. But where does this burr come from and what can we do about it?

175 years of Johs. Boss GmbH & Co. KG - A reason to celebrate!
This year we are celebrating a special anniversary - 175 years of Johs. Boss. Since our company was founded in 1849, quality, innovation and customer satisfaction have been at the centre of our work. This anniversary is not only a milestone in our company history, but also a symbol of the trust placed in us by our customers and partners.

Johs. Boss invests in the future
Since 2012, we have been manufacturing highly complex tools made of extremely hard materials for the automotive, fittings, defence and medical technology industries.
These industries require tools with the tightest tolerances, highest surface quality and consistent performance.

PKD REVOLUTION face milling cutters
We are expanding our production portfolio thread milling cutters, PCD, CVD-D, PcBN tools, thread cutting dies and thread gauges with the new and improved “PKD REVOLUTION face milling cutters".

You are cordially invited
AMB 2024, 10. - 14. September 2024, hall 1, stand D70
We cordially invite you to visit us at this year's AMB in Stuttgart at our stand D70 in hall 1. The international exhibition for metalworking will take place from 10 - 14 September 2024. Take the opportunity to find out about our products and innovations in person.

JBO solid carbide circular drill thread milling cutters BGFS for hard machining and the machining of steels and non-ferrous metals
JBO solid carbide circular drill thread milling cutters BGFS show maximum tool life. Our tools and application engineers provide the proof.

PCD, CVD-D, PcBN - Special tools
Johs. Boss GmbH & Co. KG (JBO brand) – We provide the optimum solution
Tools with PCD, CVD-D and PcBN cutting edges "High-tech made in Germany". From design planning in close cooperation with our customers and a quotation with a design drawing, through the selection of the optimum cutting material for the respective application, to production on our latest generation laser processing machines. Our development/design and technical sales teams will find the optimum solution for your production project.

Systematic movement
Automate economically with universal JBO rotary units
Do you need a 3rd axis for your cross table, endless or firmly defined rotary movements, a swivel unit for assembly systems or want to position a component in labeling systems?
We have the right rotary unit for you!

175 years Johs. Boss
In 1849, our company founder Johannes Boss laid the foundations for his precision engineering workshop - at that time with a focus on precision scales. Over the years, pill machines and other precision instruments for pharmacists were added...

The success story of the JBO Thread Milling Cutter SHARK
The Shark thread milling cutter series proves itself in customer use.

Three 25-year anniversaries
From left to right, Mr Sascha Haase, Mr Frank Metzger and Mr Sükrü Diri were honoured at Johs. Boss for 25 years of service to the company.

Introductory offer
With the Shark, we are launching a thread milling tool that clearly surpasses conventional tool concepts in terms of productivity and tool life. The multi-tooth milling cutter is available in three versions for a wide range of materials.
Order now at the promotional price on condition that you send us your test results.
JBO summer party
Muratec MT200 lathe

JBO total price list
valid of 1st November 2022
The consequences of massive price increases on the raw material markets and the significant rise in personnel costs, as well as the costs of auxiliary and operating materials, make a further adjustment of our sales prices unavoidable.

Welcome hearty
JBO team welcome theirs trainees hearty! On their first day they have visited together the OPENING at the IHK in Reutlingen.

You are cordially invited
AMB 2022, September 13th – 17th, Hall 1, Booth E70
We cordially invite you to visit us at this year's AMB in Stuttgart at our booth E70 in hall 1. The international exhibition for metalworking presents itself from 13th – 17th September 2022. Take the opportunity and inform yourself personally about our products.

PKD-PF REVOLUTION Face Milling Cutter
We proudly present the world's first in the field of machining with PCD cutting edges. The REVOLUTION face milling cutter is the first tool to get the hang of it. The cutting edges of the REVOLUTION are not bonded to the carrier. No solder or adhesive is used. Therefore, no energy is required to heat the carrier for soldering or to cure the adhesive.

The new JBO catalogue 2022 with prices valid from 01.03.2022 is now online
Our new JBO catalogue 2022 is now available as a flip page catalogue with new prices on our homepage.

JBO is now an accredited testing laboratory for thread gauges
Since 01.12.2021 JBO is a calibration laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 which is accredited by DAkkS for the calibration of thread gauges, cyl. thread Ø 3 - 100 mm, pitch 0,5 - 6 mm, Option 1.

JBO total price list as of 01 March 2022
Behind us lies a year that has challenged us all. All the more intensively we have worked on the expansion of our product range. Our new JBO catalogue will be available in spring as a flip catalogue with prices on our homepage and as a printed catalogue without prices for the first time.

Fast Line
Efficiency through innovation
In order to be able to react quickly to particularly urgent orders, we now offer our “Fast Line” programme for thread gauges in special tolerances and intermediate dimensions.
Hereby, for thread gauges fulfilling below mentioned criteria, we can realise a delivery time of 2 weeks after receipt of order.

High perf. thread milling cutters | GF/GFM | SHARK
Our newly developed high performance thread milling cutter GF/GFM type SHARK is now available.

High perf. thread milling cutters | High perf. thread cutting dies | Precision thread gauges
Efficiency through innovation
The new optimised JBO products are available. Our development team was pleased to see how they were able to make improvements in all product areas.
Your advantages: Tools that offer higher efficiency as well as the completion of our thread gauges FASTLINE programme with thread ring gauges, delivery time within 2 weeks.

Cycle time reduction in the production of internal threads in hardened materials using a solid carbide circular tapping cutter BGFS from JBO
Efficiency through innovation
A central further development at JBO is the circular bore thread milling cutter. It was specially designed for machining in die and mould making, among other things for machining hardened and tempered steel materials with a hardness >=54 to 66 HRC.

Reduction of measuring and testing times for threads in dental implants through the use of an automatic screw nut gauge
Efficiency through innovation
Especially in the field of rational thread testing of dental implants, JBO can come up trumps with innovations.
The automatic screw nut gauge has been specially developed for rational testing of the thread gauge accuracy and measurement of the thread depth of small components such as dental implants.

Cost saving by using the programming software JBOtronic for easy creation of NC codes when using thread milling cutters
Efficiency through innovation
To make the process of working with thread milling cutters as simple as possible for our existing and future customers, we have developed the Software tool JBOtronic.

Thread gauging by using a eMulticheck with electronically controlled drive
Efficiency through innovation
Our Multicheck programme combines the testing of gauge accuracy and the measurement of thread depths in only one measuring device. The testing is initiated automatically via a short press of a button.

Cost savings through the use of a PCD combination tool
Efficiency through innovation
The internal thread for an oil filter connection is usually designed as a saw thread. The advantages of this thread are, on the one hand, the large pitch for quick screwing in, a self-locking mechanism to prevent unintentional unscrewing, and a certain insensitivity to dirt compared to other threads.

Linear and rotary units as modern automation components
Efficiency through innovation
JBO looks back on more than 30 years of experience in the development and construction of linear and rotary units, which can be used and combined in many different ways.
They can be used for complex automation systems as well as simple manual workstations.

Glockengewindefräser mit Wechselfräseinsätzen
Effizienz durch Innovation
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcS3dN3lGxU
Taktzeitreduzierung bei der Herstellung von Aussengewinden unter Verwendung eines von JBO patentierten Glockengewindefräsers mit Wechselfräseinsätzen

Coordinate measuring plugs to determine the position and the angularity of the thread axis in the workpiece
Efficiency through innovation
Coordinate measuring plugs to determine the position and the angularity of the thread axis in the workpiece

die in combination with a knurl
Efficiency through innovation
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vU98awGgPA
Cost savings by using a die in combination with a knurl
The internal threads of a fitting are usually parallel threads, whereas the external threads are mainly conical. As a rule, this combination is self-sealing (metallic sealing threads). For various reasons, however, sealing tape or hemp is also used.

Digital MultiCheck with interchangeable gauge inserts
Efficiency through innovation
Video digital MultiCheck with interchangeable gauge inserts
Cost savings through digital MultiCheck with interchangeable gauge inserts
We have expanded our product portfolio with a digital MultiCheck with interchangeable gauge inserts. Our Multicheck program combines the checking of gauge accuracy and the measurement of thread depths in only one measuring device.

Fast - Faster - "Fast Line"
In order to be able to react quickly to particularly urgent orders, we now offer our “Fast Line” programme for thread plug gauges in special tolerances and intermediate dimensions.

Effizienz durch Innvation
Taktzeitreduzierung bei der Herstellung von Innengewinden in gehärteten Werkstoffen unter Verwendung eines Vollhartmetall-Zirkularbohrgewindefräsers BGFS von JBO.

Anniversary Ceremony at Johs. Boss, Onstmettingen
Bernhard Laufer, a trained mechanic, came to JBO in Schwabstrasse in September 1978, 40 years ago.
In our press archive we provide JBO press topics of the last years. For further information and inquiries regarding images please contact our staff.
Fräsen + Bohren 06/2024
Automatisierung ermöglicht Geisterschicht
Fräsen + Bohren 06/2024
Vom Mechanikus zum Marktführer
Zollern-Alb-Kurier 21.06.2024
JBO feiert zum 175. Jubiläum ein rauschendes Fest mit Genuss und Musik
Schwarzwälder Bote 18.06.2024
Standorttreu in Familienhand seit 1849
Zollern-Alb-Kurier 15.06.2024
"Denken in Generationen": JBO feiert 175. Geburtstag
Schwarzwälder Bote 14.06.2024
Vom Mechanikus zum Marktführer
Automationspraxis 03.04.2023
Werkzeug Technik 28.02.2023
Wirtschaftlicher mit Sonderwerkzeug
Werkzeug Technik 09.09.2022
Wirtschaftlich automatisieren mit modularen Dreh- und Lineareinheiten
VDWF in Dialogueag 4/2019 p. 28 - JBO-VHM circular thread milling cutter
for tool and mould making
JBO-VHM circular thread milling cutter for tool and mould making
VDI-Z Special tools August 2018
Bell form thread milling cutter achieves considerable tool life increase
Zollern-Alb-Kurier 10.02.2018
Forward-looking innovation at JBO
Production Nr. 46 11/2017
Production advantage and service life increase
Machine+Tool 11/2017
1000% tool life in thread milling
NCProduction 09/2017
Ingenious solution - JBO bell form thread milling cutter increases tool life to 1000%
older entries
Produktionsvorteil und Standzeiterhöhung um 1.000 Prozent
QZ Online 18.02.16
Prüfung von asymmetrischen Duchgangsgewinden mit einem Messsystem von Johs. Boss
Werkzeug Technik 25.11.2015
Zeitgewinn mit einer Viererkombination
Werkstatt + Betrieb 12/2015
Diese Präzision geht unter die Haut
maschine+werkzeug 06 / 15
Gewinde für die Medinzintechnik
Produktion Nummer 28 / 2015
Den Schnittdruck verringern
Gewindelehren Multicheck von Johs. Boss GmbH & Co. KG (JBO)
Flexibel und am Puls des Marktes
fertigung 09/2014
Mit Speed zum Gewinde
Taktzeiten reduzieren durch Sonderwerkzeuge für mehrere Arbeitsgänge
VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion 09/2014
Sonderwerkzeuge für mehrere Arbeitsgänge
fertigung extra - werkzeuge 06 / 2014
Scharfe Schneide per Laser
Werkzeug Technik 25.04.2014
Präzisions-Gewindelehren für jede Prüfaufgabe
Automatisches Gewindefräsen statt manuellem Gewindebohren
VDI-Z I/2014 Mai
Wirtschaftliches Zerspanen von Aluminiumguss mit PKD-Werkzeugen
Präzisions-Gewindelehren für jede Prüfaufgabe
fertigung 04/2014
Zylinderkopffertigung - Flexibel per Messlehre
MM MaschinenMarkt 6 2014
PKD-Fräser erhöht Standzeit beim Aluminiumzerspanen um 700%
CTE February 2014
Medical manufacturer prolongs tool life
Zollernalb-Kurier 01/2014
Spenden nach Bulgarien und Berlin
Zollernalb-Kurier 12/2013
Firma JBO ehrt treue Mitarbeiter
NC Fertigung 09/2013
Hervorragend abschneiden
Gewinde besser fräsen
CTE June 2013
Done with one
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NC Fertigung 04/2013
Drei Bearbeitungsaufgaben - ein Werkzeug
verkstadsTidningen 11/2012
Skärande bearbetning - Precision på AMB
<< Zum Onlinebeitrag >>
Werkzeug Technik 15. Oktober 2011
JBO BGFS Zirkularbohrgewindefräser - Produkterweiterung
September 2011 Nr 7 Argang 9
Juli 2011
Sponsor beim ALBSTADT CITY OPEN AIR 2011
Werkzeug Technik Juli 2011
Gewindefräswerkzeuge für die Innen- und Aussengewindeherstellung
Zollernalb-Kurier März 2011
Ministerin Tanja Gönner besucht Mittelständler JBO
Zollernalb-Kurier Dezember 2010
Einmaliger Treuebeweis in der Firmengeschichte
External thread milling
Werkzeug Technik 111 14 Dezember 2009
BGF – Gewindefräsen in GGG40
Zollernalb-Kurier Dezember 2009
JBO ehrt langjährige Mitarbeiter
Bohrgewindefräser zur Bearbeitung von Gewinden in kubischen Großbauteilen
Werkzeug Technik 108 Mai 2009
Gewindefräser passend für Anschlüsse mit Dichtkonus nach JASO Norm
Zollernalb-Kurier Dezember 2008
Präzision "Made in Germany"
Schwarzwälder Bote: WOM Dezember 2008
Firma ist weiter gewachsen
Schwarzwälder Bote Oktober 2008
Kunst auf Augenhöhe
Schwarzwälder Bote Oktober 2008
Werkzeuge mal künstlerisch
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